Gran Pared takes care of you + You take care of yourself = We all climb protected

We control the capacity and we have increased our hygiene, ventilation and disinfection protocols, we ask you to comply with the following measures:

When entering you must disinfect your hands and shoes

All the time during your stay in Gran Pared you must use the mask correctly. We know that at first it will bother you a bit to climb, but soon you will get used to it.

At front desk we will take your temperature, if it is higher than 37.5 degrees or you have flu symptoms (coughing, sneezing, etc.) you will not be able to enter. Please refrain from going if you have any symptoms of the flu or Covid-19.

Maintain a physical distance of 2 meters with other people.

Sanitize your locker, dress room (if required) and exercise supplies before using them. Gran Pared will provide you with the necessary elements for disinfection.

Wash your hands Before and After using the bathroom.

Disinfect your hands before climbing and frequently while climbing.

Only  liquid magnesium is allowed. It helps keep your hands more disinfected and protects the environment we breathe.

Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose.

Don’t share your hydration with other people. Do not eat food in the climbing area.

Enjoy the climb!

Gran Pared takes care of you + You take care of yourself = We all climb protected